Why personalisation?
Your website users will benefit from viewing more relevant content that helps them discover what they are looking for or to complete the task they are undertaking. The key is to derive their intent at the current point of interaction to make their discovery faster and easier. The result? A better user experience and more trust and appreciation for the information you provide.
How it works
A proprietary client-side tracking service collects user behaviour data and summarises it into a user profile made up of various properties stored in their browser’s localstorage. This data can then be used by our Personified module to customise what is shown to the user.
User profile properties
Time of day
Personalisation features
See personalisation in action
We created the Convivial CXP Demo(Opens in a new tab/window) site as a minimalistic ‘bookshop’ with some sample content. As you browse the site content, properties about your interaction such as the topics or the authors you’re interested in and the audience type you lean towards are used to promote relevant content to help you further explore content.