Test section for content that links off to each of the content types in Convivial for GovCMS. -
View modes
This wide range of display patterns designed for all content types, enables you to craft engaging layouts and consistently promote deeper content. -
Convivial for GovCMS ships with extra components above the standard set which ships with CivicTheme. -
Colour palettes
CivicTheme ships with light and dark variants. Convivial for Civic has been extended allowing editors to easily pick a none (default) variant as well as the light and dark ones. -
Test typography page demonstrating WYSIWYG features with different backgrounds. -
Convivial for Civic is powered by Convivial Profiler, a Javascript library which builds a user profile. Special "Personified data" and "Personified content" components make use of the profile to display personalised content items and messages. -
Modifiers allow editors to easily change the presentation of components.